The Last Work Weekend: Nordskogen’s Own Dedicated WW Work Weekend–6/30 & 7/1

14 Jun

Greetings from THL Bazyli Boleslaw z Krakowa!  Nordskogen’s very own dedicated WW work weekend will be June 30th and July 1st at the WW site, aka Whispering Pines Campground in Osseo WI. Come for the weekend, one day, or half a day as your life will allow. Overnight camping is free ONLY in the Strawboss area. Please bring gloves, rakes, water, sunscreen, and bug spray. It would also be a good idea to bring things to transport what is raked such as: tarps, wheelbarrows, and buckets or muck tubs. Baron Ed the Tall, Baroness Coquette du Lyons, and THL Matthias of Rolling Oaks (Moose) will be on site all weekend to best direct our efforts! And Theign Nikolaus der Auslander will be there Saturday only. There is still lots to do, especially raking, but many hands make the task much quicker.